Our Approach

“We love what we do, and we know what we’re doing!”

Our small staff of wedding photographers excel at capturing our couple’s day using the following 6 styles:


The photographer is directing the shot with the goal to create a specific mood for the image.


Formal Posed

The photographer is again directing the shot, this time with the main goal to incorporate a specific group of people in your selection of photos. These photos show relationships between the people that are most important to you!



The photographer has set up the shot during Portrait and Formal Posed picture time. During this picture time, the photographer is also directing the group for the casual shot. Their goal is to capture the personality of each group member while they are all together. He or she does this by orchestrating a situation that puts each member of the group at ease.


“We love what we do, and we know what we’re doing!”

Our small staff of wedding photographers excel at capturing our couple’s day using the following 6 styles:


The photographer is directing the shot with the goal to create a specific mood for the image. View Samples

Formal Posed:

The photographer is again directing the shot, this time with the main goal to incorporate a specific group of people in your selection of photos. These photos show relationships between the people that are most important to you! View samples


The photographer has set up the shot during Portrait and Formal Posed picture time. During this picture time, the photographer is also directing the group for the casual shot. Their goal is to capture the personality of each group member while they are all together. He or she does this by orchestrating a situation that puts each member of the group at ease. View Samples


The photographer is not directing the shot and the subject is most likely unaware of the photographer’s presence. Perskie photographers are trained to position themselves so that they are in the right place and at the right time to capture the moment as it comes. View samples


The photographer positions themselves to be in the right place and at the right time, they may give minimal direction to make eye contact between the subject and the camera. The goal of the photographer for the candid shot is to catch people in their moment and with personal expression. View samples


The photographer’s goal is to capture and record all those items that set the mood for your wedding. You put a lot of time and energy into the planning. The elements of the day have meaning and we are there to capture and record it for you. View samples